
Showing posts from July, 2020

Stem cell & Cord blood storage for Marketing | Transparency of Behind Ethics | Is it worth or Not |

Reminders :       * Any one(from your family & Relative) affect for the Blood (cancer & Disorder), Immune disorder and Genetical Disorder      * The disorder listed in companies or not!     * That particular disease insurance coverage applicable or not!     * Complete understood of Agreement     * which company you are going to decide?     * Phlebotomist Availabilty in your sourrounding Area Stem cell A stem cell is a cell with the unique ability to develop into specialised cell types in the body. In the future they may be used to replace cells and tissues that have been damaged or lost due to disease. UMBILICAL CORD BLOOD (UCB) DERIVED STEM CELLS The growth of a fetus while in the uterus requires nutrients, oxygen and removal of waste substances. These essential substances pass from the mother's blood to the fetus blood through the placenta which grows in the wall of uterus and connects mother and developing fetus through the umbilical cord. The blood found within the umb

History of English Literature | Father of English Poet | Age of Chaucer| Tamil
